Hate Hoaxes Are Hate Crimes

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* These hate hoaxes are still hate crimes, just their targets are Trump supporters and whites in general. They are similar to blood libels (or, in case someone is purported to be hurt, are literally blood libels) against them. Their purpose is to incite hatred against whites or at least Trump supporting whites.

* Is Facebook going to crack down on fake news like this?

* This isn’t a hoax. Reality is fluid. It’s trans-political.

* Facts themselves are white-male-oppression constructs, and hence facts are the enemy. The MSM are well into the ‘post-factual’ era, where up is down, right is wrong, and all the rest of it. What are you, racist? I bet you’re racist.

* If you’re wondering out how this played out on e.g. Reddit:

The original story was a front-page, top story on /r/politics and had 3,500 comments.

The new story is being repeatedly down-voted and deleted as “Off topic”.

* Right after the trial, OJ said his #1 priority was to find the killer? Did he come close at least?

OJ Trial was significant in stretching the narrative. Everyone knew he was guilty. Whites knew it, and I suspect most blacks knew it too. But blacks just loved to stick it to whitey and stand with the brotha, and the sistaz were secretly happy that OJ finally done good and killed a ‘hon*ey biatch’. Even most black intellectuals all sided with OJ. Only later did some of them mildly recant… well… maybe he done it.

Whites were upset but just hung their heads. Blacks were celebrating. And the nation just let it pass.. and moved on. Earlier, there was the Rodney King beating trial and then riots. That was more complicated, but that also stretched the narrative. King was no innocent victim but a total scumbag. Sure, one can make a case that police went too far, but King was acting unruly that night. At any rate, black behavior was totally crazy, but the narrative, even when stretched to incredulity, was maintained. (But then, US narrative on foreign policy is hardly any better, and the fault of this must go not only to Liberal globalists but militarist conservatives who always love ‘new cold wars’, ‘new hitlers’, and ‘support the troops’ or ‘support the dupes’.)

Now, the OJ trial was complicated by Fuhrman(whose confidence was betrayed by someone to whom he gave candid interview). Because of the Fuhrman revelations, blacks had more reason not to trust the police testimonry. But even if there had been no Fuhrman tapes, I suspect blacks would have acted pretty much the same. We saw the same thing with Trayvon, Michael Brown, and Baltimore clown. Even though a black-dominated legal system failed to charge the cops, that moron Charles Blow of NTY was ‘incandescent’ with rage.

Some might attribute such tribalism among blacks on lower IQ but it’s really about racial personality and emotions. Blacks evolved in warrior-hunter tribes where all the traits that were disfavored by most other races were favorably selected.
So, it’s not a matter of hard evidence. Even when the evidence is clear, blacks have this tribal-warrior emotional tendency to stick with the tribe than consider truth in objective manner. It’s also why so many blacks kill one another. They are emotionally deficient in feeling empathy for the other side. It’s our gang vs your gang.
Even among savvier blacks, empathy is less emotional than tactical. It’s like Obama understood white psychology but only cared about manipulating it, not coming to genuine terms with white people. It was all about me, me, me.

In fifth grade in the integrated city school, there was one black kid who got a pass to go to the washroom. He came back pretty late, and the teacher, an attractive German-American named Ms Wiener — a joke by some Hindu kid about ‘wiener and mashed potatoes’ was one of the classroom favorites — decided to turn the incident into a civic lesson. She inquired as to why the kid returned late. It turned out he stood outside another class and was making signals to some girl in the class.
So, the teacher put on a little classroom trial and made the kid the defendant. Some kid was chosen as prosecutor, some as defendant. As the trial progressed, Ms. Wiener was telling us about law and procedure, and etc.
And witnesses were called. Even the teacher in the other classroom, a very pretty black woman named Mrs. Jones(like that song), was called to testify. (Wiener had that German thing about details, thoroughness, and discipline. She was tough and could be mean, but she was an idealist who even took off weekends to take students to museums and theater. It was the ONLY time I got to attend staged theater, which was Beauty and the Beast where the Beast took off his mask and finally revealed himself to be a Negro, which had the black classmate blurt out ‘the dude black!’ I sort of suspected cuz of his darth vader voice.)

Anyway, it became pretty clear what had happened. The kid had told a lie about why he returned late. So, finally, the teacher told us to serve as jury and decide on the verdict. It was plain as day what happened. All the white kids, asian kids, and hispanic kids voted guilty BUT all the black kids but ONE voted innocent.
That tells you something. It wasn’t due to lack of IQ in this case cuz the evidence was overwhelming that the kid was guilty. I mean even pretty Mrs. Jones testified as to what really happened.

From that one incident, it was plain as day that blacks are gonna be a special problem in America.

* Steve, did you notice how Joel Stein and his wife in the previous thread never considered moving to an Asian country?

I’m posting my comment here because I think this is part of the hoax society: Americans blather on about how great Asians are but NOBODY wants to move there except a certain type of old single guys.

Mrs Stein used an (plausibly) economic excuse to reject Mexico but there are several Asian options that provide a “first world lifestyle” amirite? Or maybe not? How many swpls in the USA consider any Asian country to be first world? I would say very very few.

This country is filled to the brim with people who lie to themselves up the yingyang about whether America is hell on earth or not. Mrs Cassandra is the perfect example of the American self-hoaxer: she thinks there are a hundred better countries than the USA to move to … until you pin her down to a short list. And then it turns out that the list actually sucks and staying here is better. BUT AMERICA STILLS SUCKS MORE THAN ANY OTHER PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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